ARMHS (Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services) provide skill development services to individuals whose mental health symptoms have impacted optimal functioning and who are currently enrolled in a Minnesota Health Care Program insurance (Medical Assistance, PMAP and all Health Insurance is Accepted).
Adult rehabilitative mental health services (ARMHS) are mental health services that are rehabilitative and enable the member to develop and enhance psychiatric stability, social competencies, personal and emotional adjustment, and independent living and community skills when these abilities are impaired by the symptoms of mental illness. The services also enable a member to retain stability and functioning if the member is at risk of losing significant functionality or being admitted to a more restrictive service setting without these services. The services instruct, assist and support a member in areas such as medication education and monitoring, and basic social and living skills in mental illness symptom management, household management and employment-related or community living transitions.
To be eligible for ARMHS, MHCP members must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be 18 years old or older
- Have a primary diagnosis of a mental illness as determined by a Diagnostic Assessment
- Have a completed level of care assessment
- Have a significant impairment in functioning in three or more areas of the Functional Assessment domains specified in statute
Covered Services
The following services are billable as ARMHS:
- Basic living and social skills
- Certified peer specialist services
- Community intervention
- Functional assessment
- Individual treatment plan
- Medication education
- Transition to community living services
All covered services are provided face to face except community intervention.
ARMHS services may be provided in a variety of settings, including but not limited to:
- A member’s home
- The home of a relative or significant other
- A member’s job site
- The community, such as any of the following:
- Psychosocial clubhouse
- Drop-in center
- Social setting
- Classroom
- Other place in the community